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me old thing at You will like

I will leave you with just a note about the recent misunderstanding at Twiggy's Place, a few weeks ago. Or should I say, brawl! The entertainers certainly deserved a better reaction than afull-fledged fight. Seriously, the whole thing is just symptomatic of the lack of concern that certain business people have for their clientel. Any decent bar owner, or manager, would have cleared the troublemakers out in about 5 minutes! Just because the owner of a club is gay, doesn't mean that it's a gay club. I think the community in Cleveland deserves a lot more than being hassled in a place that is supposed to be theirs. If the management cannot give us a gay bar that is safe, then they by no means should be getting our money!

Ceramic Hobbyist Guild

of Cleveland



4303 GREEN ROADCLEVELAND, OHIO 44128 Just off I-271

FRI, 2pm-8pm

SAT. 11AM-730PM




April 11, 12, 13, 1975



A place where YOU can express yourself

"How do I know if I'm gay?" Gay is the preferred term used to describe a homosexual individual; one who enjovs the company, affection, companionship, and love relationship of persons of the same gender.

Some claim that being gay is a trait one is born with, others say this characteristic is developed by environmental conditions. Debating this point does not answer the question. A gay person realizes his or her frank preference for individuals of the same gender regardless of the degree or dimension of that preference. Regardless of whether or not a man enjoys women, if he enjoys being with men socially and finds affection and comfort in this social contact, the root elements of his gavness are there. Accepting fact openly. unashamedly, and without
